Demeter PGS SA
Demeter Participatory Guarantee System Southern Africa
BDAASA is committed to cultivating co-operation amongst biodynamic farmers and the community.
One of the initiatives to achieve this goal is the implementation of a Participatory Guarantee System.
Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) are locally focused quality assurance systems where producers evaluate each other. The system is based on the active participation of stakeholders and is built on a foundation of trust, social networking and knowledge exchange.
Because BDAASA holds the Demeter standards as its benchmark for biodynamic agriculture, the BDAASA Demeter PGS programme is aligned with BFDI (Biodynamic Federation Demeter International) who will accredit the Demeter PGS SA and allow the use of the International Demeter trademark for local sale of Demeter PGS certified produce.
Farmers interested in joining Demeter PGS SA should contact the BDAASA for an application interview and, by agreement, will be allocated to an existing Demeter PGS SA Farm Unit, or if a group does not exist in the area of the farm, be assisted to establish a Demeter PGS Farm Unit.
Contact us for more info on joining Demeter PGS SA
Demeter PGS SA stakeholders
Brunia Farm
Under the direction of Brett and Wade, the Sander family have transformed the 417ha farm near Stanford into a mixed farming operation, following organic and biodynamic practices, with 17 Ha of vineyards, 6 Ha under figs, 5 Ha of seasonal vegetables, and a small herd of cattle.
Hughes Family Farm
Billy Hughes, owner of Nativo Wines, has his vineyards in the Swartland region and is certified to both EU and NOP standards. Billy has joined to Demeter PGS wine group with the view to Demeter certification
Brocha Farm
Rozy Gunn has a totally organic and biodynamic approach to the 9ha of Brocha property, which lies along the coolest wine region of the Cape South Coast, Elgin. Brocha vineyards are surrounded by the Unesco certified Kogelberg Biosphere.
Brocha farm is now Demeter PGS certified.
Klein Constantia Farm
Craig Harris from Klein Constantia, manages the historic 146 hectare wine estate in Cape Town. Craig strives to work the farm in an environmentally responsible way, adopting organic and biodynamic practices.
Sillery Farm
Sillery Farm in Constantia Cape Town, a beautiful garden working towards Demeter PGS certification. Jo and Derek farms veggies, flowers, herbs, mushrooms and snails. They also focus on seeds and seedlings and have hosted numerous biodynamic workshops.
Mount Noble Farm
Mount Noble Farm, a 5ha farm situated in Wellington, Western Cape, now part of the Demeter PGS and working towards Demeter PGS certification. It is a mixed farm with olive trees, vineyards, herbs and fruit trees. The farm is owned by Wayne and Mandy Butler.
Tourgar Farm
Karen Mack grows cut flowers on her beautiful mixed farm just outside Pietermaritzburg KZN. Karen has been using biodynamic methods for more than 12 years and is sharing her knowledge in the Demeter PGS KZN group
So Grow Organics
Annalize, owner of Breaking Ground Organics is a proud supplier of certified organic seeds and seedlings.
Addition of Biodynamic principles has put this operation on the path to Demeter PGS certification.
Moya Wekhaya
This community garden in Khayelitsha is tended by women farming with vegetables. Having always farmed organically they are now aiming for Demeter PGS certification
A community garden in Kyalitshe where organic vegetables are grown, now moving to Demeter PGS certification
Urban Grow
Urban Grow, a market garden which was started in 2021, is based at the Centre for Creative Education in Plumstead, Cape Town.
Jason Higgins (a graduate of the Biodybamic Apprentice Course) and Alex Woolfe are transitioning to biodynamic farming with the help of their Demeter PGS SA group
Vulamasango is a childrens home situated in Phillipi with 5 hectares of farm land where vegetables are grown according to
biodynamic principles
Frater Family Farm
Gerard Frater, a graduate of the Biodynamic Apprenticeship Training Course, uses biodynamic farming methods on his family farm in Paarl, where a range of herbs, vegetables and grapes along with honey are produced for the local market.
Roseway Market Garden
The large (1hectare) vegetable garden at the Roseway Waldorf School in Alverstone, KZN is farmed biodynamically by the teachers and learners at the school, now also part of the Demeter PGS SA programme
Swee Farm
Alix Clark, from Swee Farm in Dal Josephat Paarl, has a small farm where she grows mangos and litchis. Alix has been using only biodynamic methods since the family bought the farm in 2005 and is a valuable source of knowledge at the Demeter PGS farm visits .
Vickers & Sons Farm
Chardonnay Vickers in KZN is working to transform part of the farm to Demeter through the PGS programme
Native Way
Native Way is a 17ha mixed farm in Atlantis, Western Cape. Sizo and Rifilwe have recently started applying the biodynamic principles to their farm. They are working towards Demeter PGS certification.
Masiphile Community Garden
A community garden in Kyalitshe where organic vegetables are grown, now moving to Demeter PGS certification
Weltevrede Farm
Weltevrede farm in Riebeek Wes is 493 hectares and has been in the Serdyn family since 1916, 108 years in the family (Nickie’s great grandfather bought from his great grandfather (The sterk Hoffmans). The second farm, Wolwekloof was bought in 1983 and is 403 Ha. Weltevrede farm is a mixed farm that has among other things, wheat, vineyards, sheep and bees, now working towards Demeter PGS certification