BDAASA strives to strengthen, promote and advance the practice of biodynamic agriculture in Southern Africa
The Purpose of BDAASA is:
- To enable members and others to connect to and serve the spiritual impulse behind Biodynamic Agriculture.
- To represent and protect the interests of biodynamic agriculture and farmers.
- To establish an effective resource centre that can support the development of biodynamic farmers, farms and farming practice.
- To co-ordinate efforts of and cultivate co-operation amongst biodynamic farmers and the community.
- To encourage opportunities for meeting, sharing, learning and training, both locally and internationally.
The Biodynamic Association:
- Holds an annual conference.
- Distributes the Southern African Biodynamic Planting Calendar.
- Ensures the Biodynamic Preparations are available.
- Maintains regular contact with members and affiliates on its database advising them of developments, topical issues, new initiatives, courses and workshops through email and social media.
Today, BDAASA is effectively reaching out to all like-minded organizations, farmers, gardeners and consumers to engage in truly sustainable agriculture. Interest in and awareness of Biodynamics is growing and being followed up in neighbouring countries e.g. Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique and Swaziland.
Membership of BDAASA
Membership is open to any individual who is interested in practicing and/or supporting the practice of biodynamic farming.
The Association is dependent on member support.
- Farm/Organisation : R650 per annum (everyone in the organisation or farm qualify)
- Single/Couple : R450 per annum
Member benefits
- Right to attend and vote at Annual General Meetings
- Bi-monthly newsletter
- Discounts on The Biodynamic Preparations
- Discounts on topic specific books for sale locally
- Discount on the Biodynamic Planting Calendar
- Preferred bookings and discounts for workshops, training courses and the annual biodynamic conference
BDAASA is a member of:
- BFDI (Biodynamic Federation Demeter International).
- IBDA (International Biodynamic Association).
- SAOSO (South African Organic Sector Organization).
- IFOAM (International Federation of Organics) and
- PGS South Africa.
BDAASA attends regular international conferences and hosts a number of distinguished international guests who contribute to our seminars and learnership experience.