Biodynamic Federation Demeter International

BDAASA is a member of the Biodynamic Federation – Demeter International (BFDI). This Federation was formed in 2020 when Demeter International and the International Biodynamic Association (IBDA) joined forces, uniting all Biodynamic and Demeter organisations worldwide under one umbrella.

The BFDI, launched during the annual conference of the Agricultural Section at the Goetheanum in Switzerland in February that year, brought together 46 member organisations in 36 different countries across the world, including BDAASA.

It is the only agricultural association that has built up a network of individual certification bodies for biodynamic farmers worldwide. Today, the BFDI is a global community of farmers, wine makers, gardeners, beekeepers, researchers, advisors, trainers, certifiers, processors and traders, to name a few. This non-profit umbrella organisation supports member organisations, representing more than 7 000 farmers with about 230 000 ha in 65 countries on all continents. In 36 of these countries, including South Africa, farmers have gathered in biodynamic organisations.

BDAASA holds Demeter as the benchmark for biodynamic agriculture.

Demeter is the international trademark for certified biodynamic production.